08. Timeline
timeline screen image
Categories of timeline
You can post on the timeline in three categories, as follows:
1. Free
The “Free” category is for all types of posts, usually when you cannot find a suitable category for it. Essentially this is a free for all content category. Things like, To My Friend, brief updates, and resolutions that you don’t create a prayer item will go into this category of posts.
2. Benefits / Taiken (Experiences)
In this category, you can post your benefits or Taiken (experiences) which you obtained through practice.
NOTE: What you share in this category will help boost others’ determinations, can encourage others, and will have an affect on the community as a whole. So please do not carelessly hurt someone, or include wrong interpretation of Nichiren Buddhism here. It is my hope that users who read these posts will be energized to take action towards their determinations.
3. Worries
For those who cannot take counsel with their district members, please use this category. You can safely share your concerns out here. Also, I would like others to cheer and support users who posted in this category. However, this is communication online, so be careful. It is always better to talk with your district members face to face. But when that is not possible, use this category.
Timeline create new post screen image
Switch Timeline Language
If you want to see posts from global SGI members, you can switch or set your preferred languages. On the “Public” tab, you can find the category and language bar at the bottom.
Basic rules
As a premise, the timeline is available to users around the world, not just to SGI members. The following are the basic rules that I ask you to observe.
If a post deviates significantly from the rules, we will consider suspending the account as soon as it is reported. In order to maintain a healthy timeline, the administration periodically checks the site and may delete posts without the user’s permission.
We will prohibit any posts relating to:
- Posts that deviate from the category
- Posts that divulge personal information
- A discussion on the timeline
- Posts that are libellous or potentially hurtful to the other party
- Excessive personal coaching