The Best Daimoku App
Chant Daimoku with world SGI members
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of the application and how to use it.
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Manage your Daimoku data and encourage each other with worldwide SGI members
registered users
chanted Daimoku
Daimoku sent
Read Our Blog Post
01. Message from the Creator of Daimoku Pro
(Please read this article before using the Daimoku Pro app) Hello there My name is Hiromi and I am the developer of DAIMOKU PRO, an application that will help you in your practice of Nichiren Buddh
02. Notice of Design Update
I have updated the overall design of the application. The functionality has not changed, but I have fixed bugs throughout. I will continue to improve the app. If you have any comments or requests,
03. What is the "Prayed"?
"Prayed" function is, in a word, a function to "send a Daimoku". If you have chanted Daimoku for a user or a prayer item on the application, you can "Prayed" by tapping the heart mark. If you have
04. With DAIMOKUPRO, it's easy to transfer from other apps!
For those who have been keeping track of their goals in other apps or on paper in notepads or calendars, I think it would be difficult for them to start using the app if they cannot easily transfer t
05. "Prayed" now has an animation!
With this update, "Prayed" now has a cute animation. When you "Prayed", the heart mark moves. Now it is more fun to "Prayed". Please send your "Prayed" to other users.
06. When you can't chant Daimoku
I think there are times. At least I do. Even if I'm trying my best to do my best for something, I may feel like I'm just not feeling it today, or I may feel a bit tired. One of my senpai whom I resp
07. Android version released
I am sorry for the delay, but I have released the Android version of DAIMOKUPRO. If you find any problems, please contact me from the inquiry form below. I will respond as soon as possible. I will t
08. Tutorial function
A tutorial function has been implemented. This function will only be displayed for the first time after downloading the application, and will not be displayed at all to existing users. It is a func
09. The onboarding screen now supports animation.
The onboarding screen is a brief description of the application that appears when the application is opened for the first time. If you have been using the app for some time, you may have already forgotten about this screen since it is only displayed for the first time, but this screen is displayed at least once for the first time.
10. Read It Lator function
I have implemented the "Read It Lator" function, which has been requested many times by users. This is a feature that allows users to save posts on the timeline that they like or want to read again
題目 - Sakijang
感謝團隊的支持 - 新的會友
對一個新的教友,這是一個很好用的app, 有計時詳細寫了勤行要做的方法亦有御祈念文🙏🏻 十分感謝你們
感謝。 - ゆの☆みき
このアプリを見つけてから、唱題する意欲が湧きました! 毎日楽しく唱題出来ています。
DAIMOKU - Mabelinhia
ESTA APP ES LA MEJOR DE TODAS!! Muchísimas gracias!! MCH Ⓜ️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🇧🇪🇧🇪🇧🇪🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Mille grazie allo sviluppatore - NelloSacco
Perfetta per fare pratica come per imparare. È un modo bellissimo per sentirsi in compagnia durante la pratica quotidiana Grazie e bravissimo Quando sarà possibile avere su Apple Watch almeno il timer sarà ancora più comodo attivare e fermare il contatore
創価のリアルがわかる素晴らしいアプリ✨ - 猫波(ネコハ)
もっと早く出会いたかったです。このアプリのおかげで一日も欠かさず題目をあげきれています。開発して下さった方に感謝しかありません。 皆、経済や病気、恋愛、人間関係等で悩んでいる。時に嬉しい報告も。リアルな声ばかりです。「創価の真実」を自分の目で見てください。
励みになります - 旅の途中下車
一遍一遍のお題目の積み重ねが体験できて、百万遍千万遍への励みになります。 また、海外メンバーと励まし励まされ、広布の広まりを日々感じながら勤行出来るアプリだと思います。
感謝 - eyeyeyeye☆
アプリと出会い、感謝し祈念出来る時が今だったと思います。0から1を生み出し、それを開花させる素晴らしさをアプリの完成度から感じています。ありがとうございます^ ^
Happy each day with NMRK - Hueman4
This is the best way to keep my count on hourly chanting. It's so easy to use and convenient to have and write your daily thoughts down. And also offer prayers to others and share this great practice of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.
感謝 - 紅に生きゆけ
題目プロを始めてより、世界の同志が24時間絶え間なく題目をあげていることを実感として得ることができました。 創価大学の歌に、「英知を磨くは何のため」との歌詞がありますが、英知を磨いた方がこうして題目プロというコンテンツを作って下さり、世界の同志が異体同心に繋がっていけることは仏法史上画期的なことであり壮挙だと心から感じております。 世界では戦争が絶えませんが、題目プロを通して世界の同志の平和を願う題目が地球を包み込んでいることを確信しつつこれからも題目をあげてまいります。 個人的にも、あげた題目が記録として残ることは、月々日々につよりたまえの御金言を実践していくアプリとして本当に感謝しております。 運営の方々に心から感謝しております。
指標になる - Nbhskono
日々の生活のリズムを管理できる素敵なアプリだと思います。 ご存知でないかもいらっしゃると思うので、全世界に浸透することを切に願うばかりです。 機能のバージョンアップも楽しみに毎日使わせていただきます。 画期的なアプリを開発していただき、ありがとうございます!
Enfin une méthode évolutive la connexion mondiale pour kozen rufu - taliasuave
Je me suis remise à pratiquer grâce à votre application dans un moment de doute très important ou ma situation ne pourrais changer que par Daimokus merci à ceux qui son connecter cela nous aide énormément et touche notre cœur
Daimoku PRO - AleGM🙏🏻
It's an AMAZING tool not only to track your DAIMOKU but also you have the opportunity to be connected with so many SGI fellow members and practitioners around the World and share Sensei"s guidance, your determinations, goals and prayers with all of them … and they can chant for you and you… for them! thats incredible and that's the Soka Spirit! Thank you for creating such an amazing tool and way to connect! NMRK🙏🏻
So helpful - Hdyhbiuf
This app is great for keeping motivated and maintaining forward momentum, it has transformed my practice thank you 🙏🙏🙏
世界の国からガンバレ応援有難う - みっちゃん3739
最高のアプリです。 - わに218
昔から、題目帳は、 つけていましたが、 つけっぱなしで、 計算は、ほとんどしてませんでした。 毎日、同じ数をあげられる訳、 ではないので、 単純に掛け算で… という訳にもいきません。 でもこのアプリは、今何遍あげたか、 お知らせしてくれるので、 励みになります。 30万、50万、70万、100万と、 その都度、境涯革命していける、 感じがします。 また日記もついていて、 良い事づくめです。 開発してくださった方 ありがとうございました✨ 功徳が、たくさんやってくると、 確信します。
I love diamoku pro 💙💙🦁🙇🏼♀️ - xyz9222225555554
It's great to bank your diamoku - helps me do more - spending 5 minutes a day or so reading others prayers - and praying for them is such a thrill. I find it is mostly people in Japan and - go Italia! I wish it was more widely used by us in the SGI all around the world as I find it helps me chant so much more . " many in body - one in mind !" Great ! App . 🙏
Wonderful - Milind UK
Helps me to organise my chanting hours and keeps me connected with daimoku of the world . Thanks
Meraviglioso 💙💛❤️ - albaaaaa18aaaa
Bellissimo sapere di fare Daimoku in contemporanea con tantissime persone 💕
Ottima app 🔝 - Dulcinaaas
Bellissima applicazione x contare il daimoku e leggere tanti incoraggiamenti scritti dai tanti praticanti in tutto il mondo! Scaricatela 😍